The Literary Ensemble, Junior Tutorial, Harvard College (about fiction featuring large groups of characters)
Modern and Contemporary Drama, College of the Holy Cross
Introduction to Literary Study: The Marriage Plot, College of the Holy Cross
Lead Instructor
Act Natural, Harvard College (about various acting methods, especially The Method)
Consent, Harvard College (about consent as it has been conceptualized in philosophy and literature)
Broadway, 1940–Present, Harvard College
Modern Women Writers, Harvard College
Broadway Bodies: Representation on the Great White Way, Harvard College
American Literary Expatriates in Europe, Harvard Summer Program in Venice
Teaching Assistant
Senior Thesis Advisor
“Sylvie and Andrée: Les inséparables and Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Love” (Aliénor Manteau) with Philip Fisher
“The Craft of Becoming in Math and Poetry: Wallace Stevens, Cartesian Coordinates, and the Möbius Strip” (Cassandra Kopans-Johnson) with Elaine Scarry